Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tired Homemaker

I believe that a wife is take care of the home.  I'm all for working outside of the home.  I'm a working mom and wife and I like having my own money.  But outside of my job, my primary responsibility is the home. But on the subject about homemaking, any working mom will tell you the last thing she wants to do is cook or clean after being at work for 8 hours.  Doesn't matter if you love homemaking or you delegate it to others.  After work, you want to be d.o.n.e.

Add 5 kids, a husband, and Lyme, and you have one tired momma.

Since I like to be daring, I like to throw into the mix of going to school part time after work.

And now you have one exhausted momma.

Last night, that was me.  Between working with my boss, running around for a committee at work, going to a social function with my toxic lover ice cream, and being insulted about my size, I was pretty tired.  Another perk of Lyme are involuntary muscle twitches.  Mine happen to focus underneath my left eye.  And stress will set it off.  So I'm talking with my boss and my eye is spazzing.  I know it must look like I'm psycho.

I went to class, after venting to my patient spouse (who needs his own blog posting on his awesomeness with dealing with this) on the way there.  I love my class, Interpersonal Communications for my paralegal degree.  I've had my professor before and he's hilarious.  I never knew law was entertaining until I went into his Criminal Justice class a few years ago.  Anyway, as we're going in class, and I'm soaking up all this info, it felt like someone suddenly stabbed a sharp needle into my left bicep.  I almost cried out it was so painful.  And it left an ache that was a mix between sharp and sore.  I tried to concentrate on my class and the nausea swept over and I thought I had to run out of class.  I gulped down my water in hopes it would squash the nausea and it kept it at bay.  But my bicep was sore.

I notice that I write exciting adjectives and explanations about the symptoms and that most, if not all, of the sensations are sudden.  But it's how it feels to me.  They're like kamikaze bombers coming out of the fog.  Out of nowhere with the intention of taking you down with them.

I made a mental list on the way to my car after class of all of what needs to be done.

  • Make dish washing soap (we're green and frugal at my house)
  • Go on to our family's calendar and to do list 
  • Make our grocery list for Friday (it's payday and the boys are coming this weekend)
  • Go to my Springpad, where I keep all of my folders electronically to keep me organized, and get out my special grocery list for my Lyme food
  • Clean the kitchen
  • Make bread and muffins for the girls and my husband for snack (I said we were frugal)
  • Ask my husband how his day went
  • Make sure the girls cleaned their room 
  • Remind myself I need to pick up drycleaning
  • Remind myself I need to bring the girls' language learning CDs back to the library
  • Etc, etc, etc
I came home and did none of those things because it was 9:30 pm and I needed to take my pill.  And I felt nauseous but needed to eat.  My husband made me a delicious egg burrito (farm fresh eggs, a little bit of salsa, and cheese) and I took my doxy.  I did ask my husband how his day went and we talked for a bit about our day.  He's also discovering the coolness of streaming Netlfix, so he watched an episode of the Office that I thought he would find funny as I went to bed.  I heard him laughing as I kissed my children and I knew all was well.

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