Google Lyme Disease and blog and you will find hundreds of blogs about people like me with the disease. Except, I haven't found any blogs about Black people and this disease. Why does it have to be Black, why can't it be about people suffering with the disease and not about race? Simple. Because there is always someone out there who's going through the same things you are. No offense to my fellow Lymies but, I haven't found many people of color (read: two, myself and my LLMD doctor) dealing with this disease. Or being a single parent, like I was at the time when I was first diagnosed. And so many blogs and websites and advocacy sites focus on the health aspect of the disease and the politics, which, believe me, I'm all for fighting a controlling establishment and bringing back our health. But what about a blog that takes life through the lens and perspective of Lyme Disease and the lens of a different race? Take race out of it, a chronic disease blog discussing living as the Millennial Brady Bunch? How about fashion or other quirks (my quirks)?
But outside of the health concerns, the politics, etc., sometimes you have to answer the big question: So how do you live with it? Looking at the symptoms alone, most people assume after hearing a Lyme story that we quit work (not always) or our lives are hell (internally it may feel that way). But I cope, we all cope. I'm just "keepin' it real" as I cope here on my blog.